blogSource code and tools behind my blogFranklin Wei5 years
circgraphTool for calculating the equivalent impedance/capacitance of a circuitFranklin Wei6 years
duckyA BASIC-like programming language compiling into CFranklin Wei7 years
fieldvizEM field visualizerFranklin Wei6 years
halibutMy halibut treeFranklin Wei7 years
kappaAn x86 operating system from scratchFranklin Wei5 years
libfmlFrank's Math Library - a collection of useful mathematical routinesFranklin Wei5 years
market-simA retro stock-trading gameFranklin Wei7 years
netcosmA MUD ServerFranklin Wei7 years
pishA "shell" for a headless Raspberry Pi using Morse code through a LEDFranklin Wei5 years
puzzlesMy sgt-puzzles treeFranklin Wei6 months
rastercarveGenerate G-code to engrave raster imagesFranklin Wei16 months
raytraceWorld's worst raytracerFranklin Wei7 years
rockboxMy Rockbox treeFranklin Wei7 years
wargames-serverThe WOPR from "WarGames" over telnetFranklin Wei5 years
xenonchessWorld's worst chess engineFranklin Wei7 years
yacasWorld's worst CASFranklin Wei7 years